As I sit amidst the torture that is a Midwest summer, here in my apartment that, due the laziness of its inhabitants (yours truly and my equally unmotivated counterpart), only has two of the possible five window a/c units in their proper places and functioning, and is therefore only
slightly more bearable than the suffocating sauna that is the outdoors, I can only force myself to imagine a different world. A world where breeze exists; a world in which I don't wish the painting of the shotgun hanging above our living room window was real, in order to end my own misery the minute I step outside. I like to call this dream world
autumn, and, other than the above (but really, what more do you need?), here are some reasons why the promise of fall gives me hope:
Miu Miu Fall 2012
Cacharel Fall 2012
But seriously...this whole words.
Marni Fall 2012
I will be incorporating some mint + red into my closet. Also, a lot of this collection reminds me of Margot Tenenbaum. AmIRite?
*All images via